5m3 Septic Tank

5m3 septic tank is produced as fiberglass and it is produced to burry. You can see the product dimensions and other specifications of product at below. If you need any changing for tank design you can contact with us. Septic tank is different from standart fiberglass tank. Septic tank is thicker and it has some equipments on it for easy installation and longer useful life. Its manhole is higher comparison with standart tank. This is called elavation level and it tells tank’s burial depth. Also there is no outlet on septic tank. Fiberglass septic tanks have some advantages comparison with concrete septic tanks.

5m3 Septic Tank
5m3 Septic Tank

5m3 Septic Tank

5m3 septic tank can be produced in many alternative sizes as both of vertical and horizontal. All sizes can be shipped both standard truck and container. If you need any further information, please contact with us.


Standard Alternative
Width 180 cm 150 cm
Height 220 cm 185 cm
Length 210 cm 305 cm
Drawing Standard Size Alternative Size 1

Equipment List of 5m3 Septic Tank

MManhole1FRP – Ø462
1NInlet1FRP – Ø160
2NVent1PVC – Ø63
3NLifting2Ø30 – Welded to Tank
4NSupport1FRP Wall
List is for standard size. For all details see drawing

Guideline for Burying of Tank

During burying of tank, you shall follow up instructions on drawing. Also you can see general burying terms link at below.

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