
Chemical tanks are produced for stocking of chemical liquid and acid. Sometimes, chemical liquid could be dangerous and it should be stored with safety. So that we have three alternative solutions for chemical storage tanks.

Chemical Tanks Long Useful Life
50m3 Fiberglass Horizontal Chemical Tanks

Chemical Tanks

Usage Areas

Chemical tanks use at textile factories, chemical raw material manafacturer factories and all places that requires chemical storage.

Types of Chemical Tanks

We can produce chemical tanks in 3 types. Fiberglass (called as vinyl ester) tanks, polythene tanks and pvc tanks coated with frp.

Vinyl Ester Tanks

Chemical tanks usually use for storage of different acid types. The most production is made for hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide, sodium hypochloride, ferric chloride acid types.

Also tanks could be used for storage of chemical waste.

Production Process
The first production group is the vinlyster for chemical tanks. Vinyl ester is a epoxy resin type that is resisted for acid and other chemical liquids. The concentration rate and stock tempature  is so important for vinylester tanks. You can view resistance table for your acid type at above.
Advantages of Vinylester Tanks
  • Tank sizes are changable.
  • Production can be supplied as cylindrical, cubic, silo or a chemical pool.
  • Inlet and outlet connections are resisted to acid and chemical. Connections are supplied accordingly your request. Inside threaded, flange or pipe, how you want.
  • Production could be made as horizontal or vertical in all volumes.
  • Tanks are resist to weather conditions.
  • Tanks don’t react to your chemicals.
  • Vinyl ester tanks are stainless.
  • Vinyl ester tanks’ usefull life is so long compare with than other tanks.
  • Any equipments can be fixed to vinylester tanks. Ladder, free-flange inlets and outlets or other equipments that you want.

Polythene Chemical Tanks

Polythene is a thermoplastic that has high chemical resistance. Production process is same with water tanks. Chemical tanks are thicker than water tanks. We designate polythene chemical tanks’ thickness according to chemical liquid that you will store in it.

Advantages & Disadvantages

PVC & FRP Tanks

These production group is usefull for storage of dangerous acid types like sulphuric acid concentration rate is above 75%. PVC tank is produced with requested dimensions and coated with vinyl ester resin and fiberglass. Thickness is designated accordingly tank volume.

These tank group is more costly than the others. Its resistance is so high to all chemicals but tempature shall be ambient. We can design its inlet and outlets how you want. Also dimensions are changable. 

PVC Acid tanks are produced in 4 steps. You can see production process at below. Also pictures at above show production process step by step.

Terms of Use
  • Which chemical liquid that you will stock in tanks, you should tell about it. Concentration rate and its stock tempature is important for tank useful life.
  • Please fix your tank on concrete ground.
  • Don’t exceed the concentration rate and tempature that you tell.
  • Please contact with us for any request.